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About Inox


What is Inox or stainless steel?

In 1913 an English metallurgist was working on a project improving the performance of gun pipes, and he accidentally discovered resistance to rusting by adding chromium to low-carbonated steel. Besides carbon and chromium, today's stainless steel can also contain nickel,molybdenum and titanium. Nickl, molybdenum and titanium increase steel's resistance to rusting. The minimum of 12% needs to be added in order to achieve rust resistance. Chromium combined with oxygen from the atmosphere forms an invisible layer, the so called "passive film". The atom sizes of chromium and oxygen are similar so they adjust on the surface of the metal forming a solid layer the thickness of a few atoms. If the metal surface gets scratched or damaged in any other way, more oxygen will form and repair the surface by providing further protection from rust. It is necessary to consider that stainless steel has a poor resistance in an environment  with low oxygen circulation. Stainless steel (INOX) has an increased resistance to corrosion because of its chemical compositions. Despite this, depending on the composition, and environment ( coastal area or atmosphere which contains iron or chlorine)  steel reacts differently to corrosion, therefore intercrytsalline or other types of corrosion can occur. In order to avoid and minimize the corrosion of stainless steel , the process of chemical cleansing is performed. This process removes all traces of iron (the main reason for inox corrosion) and other traces (various iron oxides) , and welding traces which prevent the forming of the passive film of chromium oxide which protects the steel (inox) from corrosion.


Four reasons to choose Inox products

1. Inox is a reliable high quality product.

2. Inox is a trend among materials and you simply need to have it.

3. Inox is interesting for its reasonable price and quality.

4. With Inox you will never need a brush.


Inox products are widely used all over the world. The quality and maintenance show a high rentability in a short period of time. Because of its thin passive film on the surface Inox is very resistant to corrosion and therefore doesn't need any other organic or metal layers of protection in order to prevent its resistance. Despite all these fabulous characteristics a certain level of maintenance is welcome so that these characteristics remain great. Basically in order to clean and keep the attractive appearance of Inox you need to maintain it as any other decorative material on the object e.g. glass.

Cleaning and maintenance

Right after the mounting of inox elements, inox railings, inox sheet metal it has to be cleaned from all dirt, dust, cement and eventually apply a thin protective layer to prevent the forming of dirt and grease.

It is strictly forbidden to file with metal objects, steel wool. Products including hydrochloric acid, bleachers, and products for cleaning silver, sand should be used.

On outdoor railings and elements rain can do a good part of cleaning. A soft cloth and dish-washing liquid are more than enough. Glass cleaners (without chloride) are ideal for polishing inox surfaces.

If the surface is very filthy you can use a mini wash with water temperature 60-80 ˚C or car polish.

If the surface is greasy you can also use agents that contain alcohol or diluents, i.e. Acetone. Avoid spreading the diluted dust on the surface of inox.

Indoor stainless railings are usually clear of finger prints. Therefore it is enough to use a soft cloth and a mild dish or window cleaner.


How often should you clean?

Stainless steel railings keep their attractive appearance when regularly cleaned.  The railings should be cleaned depending on he extend to which the railings are exposed to dirt. Lobbies, frames and glass should be cleaned regularly as glass surfaces.

Depending on how long the Inox railing is exposed to rain, they should be usually cleaned every 6-10 months or even every 3-6 months.

Polished stainless steel railings  are usually more resistant to corrosion than brushed stainless steel railings.


Cleaning agents

Following cleaning agents can be used: vinegar acid (80% water, 20% acid), Lemon juice with salt dissolved in water is enough for filthy stains, toothpaste is also very effective for the cleaning of stubborn stains and small scratches, glass cleaners are suitable for noble materials. Attention must be paid to the dosage of the agent.

Special agents for the cleaning of noble metals can also be used. Attention must be paid to the dosage of the agent. For matt finishes cleansing milk (not abrasive paste) can be used but it has to be rinsed with clean water.

Please contact us for your personal solution.

About us

During many years of our work we brought our production to perfection, and we specialized for the production of the most complex objects made of Inox. Therefore please don't hesitate to contact us, because we are here to help you fulfill your wishes. Your wish is our challenge.


Inox Ajanović d.o.o.

Rosulje 71 74260

Tešanj, BiH

+387 (0) 32 656 570

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